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Castle News: August 2020

2020 was a GREAT camp season and we are so thrilled we were able to do the work the Lord had for us! We had our first intro camp for younger siblings, 2 Work/Study Sessions, & 2 Abbey Camps on 1 Timothy. We had to limit the size in order to see the gatherings take place, so we have a few extra shirts.

End of summer is always the hardest time financially for ministries especially without the revenue that comes in from full camps. We would love to thank donors in August *of any amount* with this year's Castle shirt. #dosmallthingswell #37871 These partnerships are what enable us to keep retreats low-cost throughout the year! Remaining shirts come in the following sizes: XS green 9 S green 4 M green 2 L green 1 XS blue 2 S blue 3 M blue 5 L pink 4

Additionally we are exploring 2 things this Fall:

-Silent Retreats/Family Retreats--2 separate things :)

drop us a reply if this interests you!

-We are exploring plans for a Castle add on of a great room/lodging (if you are an architect and can lend some time to looking over drawings and helping direct, message us)

As always the knoll for camping and retreat lodge/cabin/camp shelter are available for your private gathering.

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us-- yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17



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